Fayetteville Policies and Procedures

Section Title Keywords
s00 s00
101.0 Board of Trustees Meeting Dates s00 s00
102.0 Board of Trustees - University of Arkansas s00 s00
203.0 University Development s00 s00
203.1 Accommodations for Disabilities – Employment, Programs and Services s00 s00
203.2 Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Related Medical Conditions – Employment Accommodations s00 s00
204.0 Disabled Persons Van Service s00 s00
204.1 OEOC Recruiting s00 s00
204.2 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility including Website Accessibility s00 s00
205.0 Emergency Alerts, Safety Warnings and Campus Notifications s00 s00
205.1 Employee Spouse/Dependent Tuition Waiver Expense Allocation s00 s00
206.0 Spending Rate Policy: University Held Endowed Funds in the Unit Trust Pool s00 s00
206.7 Export Control Compliance s00 s00
206.8 Visiting Scholars and International Delegations s00 s00
207.0 Freedom of Information s00 s00
208.0 Graphic Identity s00 s00
209.0 Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Shipping and Transportation s00 s00
209.7 Policy on Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Review and Approval s00 s00
209.8 Protection of Human Subjects in Research s00 s00
210.0 Inclement Weather, Emergencies, and Special Events—Campus Operations, Classes, and Personnel Obligations s00 s00 Inclement weather, compensation, emergency
211.0 Inclement Weather/Emergency Procedure s00 s00 weather, emergency, communication
212.0 Legal Services Charges s00 s00
213.0 Memorandum of Agreement between Campuses of the University s00 s00
213.1 Policy for Naming Opportunities s00 s00
213.2 Permission to Print Publications for External Use s00 s00
214.0 National Development Council By-Laws s00 s00
214.1 Discrimination (Including Discriminatory Harassment) – Employment, Education, Programs and Services s00 s00
215.0 Official Functions Policy s00 s00
215.1 Policy Development – Fayetteville Policies and Procedures s00 s00
216.0 Program Listings and Codes s00 s00
216.1 Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) s00 s00
217.0 Public Information and Media Relations s00 s00
217.1 Protection of Minors on Campus s00 s00
218.0 Retention of Records s00 s00
219.0 University Response Team s00 s00
219.2 Sex Offender Notification Regarding the Campus Community; Residential Restrictions for Registered Sex Offenders s00 s00
220.0 Contracting Authority Signature Delegation and Contract Review s00 s00
221.0 Solicitation Programs s00 s00
221.1 Sponsorship Acknowledgement on Web Sites s00 s00
222.0 University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc. By-Laws s00 s00
222.1 University of Arkansas Foundation Expenditure Guidelines s00 s00
222.3 University of Arkansas Foundation and Razorback Foundation Equipment Purchases s00 s00
225.0 University Web Sites and Online Communications s00 s00
225.1 University Website Privacy s00 s00
226.0 University of Arkansas Roles and Responsibilities for Financial Administration of Sponsored Programs s00 s00
227.0 Determining Philanthropic Gifts versus Sponsored Grants s00 s00
301.0 Abatement Procedure for Uncollectible Accounts Receivable s00 s00
301.1 Agency Funds s00 s00
301.2 Customer/Sponsor Receivables and Billing/Invoicing s00 s00
302.0 Airplane Usage Costs--University Airplanes s00 s00
302.1 Non-University Owned Aircraft s00 s00
303.0 Bankruptcy s00 s00
304.0 Bank Account and Other Financial Institution Signature Authorization s00 s00
305.0 Bond Compliance s00 s00
305.1 Capitalization of Intangible Assets s00 s00
305.2 Capitalization Thresholds for Buildings/Facilities and Other Improvements/Infrastructure s00 s00
305.3 Carry Forward at Year End s00 s00
306.0 Cash Handling Procedures s00 s00
306.1 Cellular Communications s00 s00
307.0 Collateralization Guidelines s00 s00
308.0 Use of University Resources in Competition with Private Sector s00 s00
309.0 Payment Card Processing s00 s00
309.1 Payment Card Security s00 s00
309.2 Payment Card Incident Response s00 s00
309.3 Payment Card Policies Glossary s00 s00
310.0 Cut-Off Dates for Fiscal Year Accounting s00 s00
310.1 Direct Cost Policy s00 s00
310.2 Foreign Gifts and Contract Reporting s00 s00
311.0 Departmental Deposits s00 s00
311.1 Expense Transfers Related to Sponsored Activities s00 s00
312.0 Independent Contractors vs. Employee Relationship s00 s00
312.1 Implementation of State of Arkansas 1,500 Hour Rule for Extra Help Employees - Limitation of 1,250 Hours for Fayetteville Campus s00 s00
312.2 Imprest Funds s00 s00
313.0 Installment Payment Plan for Tuition and Fees s00 s00
313.1 Internet Access—University Payment for Off-Campus Locations s00 s00
313.2 Inventory/Equipment Capitalization Thresholds s00 s00
313.3 University Equipment s00 s00
313.4 Property Accountability s00 s00
313.5 Identity Theft Prevention Program (Red Flag Detection and Response) s00 s00
313.6 Information Technology Asset Management (ITAM) Policy s00 s00
314.0 Investment Policy – Operating Funds s00 s00
315.0 Investments - Donated Stock and Other Marketable Securities s00 s00
317.0 Lab Breakage Fees s00 s00
317.1 Lobbying Activity, Certification and Reporting Related to Federal Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements s00 s00
318.0 Meter Mail Guidelines and U.S. Postal Regulations s00 s00
318.1 Campus Mail Information s00 s00
318.2 Out of Budget Cycle Base Salary Increases s00 s00
320.0 Parking & Traffic Fees s00 s00
320.1 Parking, Charter Bus, and Bus Stop Use for On-Campus Events s00 s00
321.0 Lost and Undeliverable Paychecks and Final Compensation for Terminating Employees s00 s00
322.0 Payroll Deadlines s00 s00
322.1 Payroll Deductions s00 s00
323.0 Direct Deposit of Pay s00 s00
323.1 Pre-Payment and Deferred Payment Policy s00 s00
323.2 Prizes and Awards s00 s00
324.0 Contracts for Services - Professional and Consultant Services (PCS) Contracts and Technical and General Services (TGS) Contracts s00 s00
324.1 Property Transfer—Sponsored Projects s00 s00
324.2 Property Transfer - Non-Sponsored Programs s00 s00
325.0 University Communications, Brand and Mass Email Usage s00 s00
326.0 Retired Faculty Budgeting Process s00 s00
327.0 Returned Payments s00 s00
329.0 Salary Overpayments s00 s00
329.2 Sponsored Programs – Financial Responsibility s00 s00
330.0 Tuition and Fee Adjustment Policy for Dropping Classes s00 s00
330.1 Transaction Approval s00 s00
332.0 Travel Advances s00 s00
332.1 Agent Advance s00 s00
332.3 Travel Administrators s00 s00
332.4 Travel for Students Representing the University of Arkansas s00 s00
333.0 Use of the University’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) s00 s00
333.1 Indirect Cost Recovery Distribution s00 s00
401.0 Advertising of University Positions s00 s00
402.1 Background Checks and Substance Abuse Testing s00 s00
402.2 Substance Abuse Testing and Campus Implementation of Drug-Free Workplace; Medical Marijuana s00 s00
403.1 Compensatory Time s00 s00
404.0 Disclosure and Management of Potential Conflicts of Interest and/or Commitment, including Outside Activity s00 s00
404.1 Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) s00 s00
404.2 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) s00 s00
404.3 Effort Certification s00 s00
405.0 Tickets - Employee Discount for Athletic Tickets s00 s00
405.1 Employing Nonresident Alien Faculty and Staff s00 s00
406.0 Personal Use of University Equipment/Services s00 s00
406.1 Evacuation of Buildings s00 s00
407.0 Extra Compensation Policy s00 s00
407.1 Unit Pay Policy s00 s00
408.1 Guidelines on Taxable Fringe Benefits s00 s00
409.0 Half-Time Status for Graduate Students s00 s00
409.2 2024-2025 Holiday Schedule s00 s00
409.3 Keys for University Buildings and Rooms s00 s00
409.4 Use of Leave at the Birth or Adoption of a Child or Placement of a Child for Foster Care s00 s00
409.5 Acute Communicable Illnesses: Protective Measures and Leave Procedures in the Event of Outbreak s00 s00
410.1 Licenses and Certifications—University Payment s00 s00
410.2 Notification Procedures in Case of Breach of Privacy s00 s00
411.0 Line Item Salary Maximum s00 s00
411.1 Moving Expenses s00 s00
411.2 Performance Evaluation s00 s00
411.3 Permanent Residence for Nonresident Alien Employees s00 s00
411.4 Nursing Support for Working Mothers (Ark. Code Ann. § 11-5-116, 29 U.S.C.A. § 207 (r)(1)) s00 s00
412.0 Retiree Status s00 s00
412.1 Social Security Numbers - Nonresident Alien Employees s00 s00
412.2 Taxation of Nonresident Alien Employees, Students and Visitors s00 s00
412.3 Flexible Work Arrangements, Including Remote Work s00 s00
413.0 Vehicle Safety Belt Policy s00 s00
414.0 Policy on Wearing Uniforms – Facilities Management s00 s00
415.0 Use of External Staffing or Temporary Agencies; Temporary Workers s00 s00
416.0 Campus Violence Policy and Procedures s00 s00
418.1 Title IX Policy for Complaints of Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Harassment s00 s00
419.0 Faculty Modified Work Assignment for Maternity and Paternity s00 s00
419.1 Non-Classified Staff Modified Work Assignment for Maternity and Paternity s00 s00
420.0 Employee Educational Development Incentive s00 s00
421.0 Extra Income -- Annual Reporting of Extra Income from Arkansas Public Agencies including University of Arkansas s00 s00
502.0 Crisis or Catastrophic Emergency, Death or Serious Injury or Illness of a University Employee or Student: Notification and Response Guidelines s00 s00
503.0 Semester Deadline for Distribution of Internal Financial Aid s00 s00
503.1 Financial Aid Disbursement and Refunding s00 s00
504.0 Fraternities and Sororities on Campus s00 s00
504.2 Student or Student’s Spouse Called Into Military Service-- Tuition and Fee and Enrollment Compensatory Options s00 s00
504.3 National Guard Tuition Benefits s00 s00
504.4 Missing Students s00 s00
505.0 Registration: Withholding of Registration Privileges, Transcripts and Diplomas (HOLDS) s00 s00
506.0 Residence Status for Fee Purposes s00 s00
507.0 Room and Board Rates s00 s00
507.1 Freshman Residency Requirement for University Housing s00 s00
508.0 ROTC Scholarship Agreement s00 s00
509.1 Student Hourly Employees s00 s00
509.2 Scholarship Criteria, Evaluation and Records Policy s00 s00
511.0 Tuition s00 s00
511.1 Student Fees s00 s00
512.0 Tuition Waiver Employment Benefit s00 s00
513.0 Tuition and Registration Fees for Students Participating in Sponsored Projects s00 s00
514.0 Fees for Credit Offerings with Off-campus Experiences s00 s00
515.0 General Student Fee Waiver for Students Sixty Years of Age or Older s00 s00
516.0 Non-Resident Tuition Scholarship for Students with $4,000 or More University-Based Scholarship(s) s00 s00
517.0 University Programs Operations s00 s00
518.0 Tuition and Fee Adjustment Policy for Official Withdrawal s00 s00
519.0 Immunization Policy for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella s00 s00
700.2 Accident and Injury Reporting s00 s00
700.5 Alcohol Policy for University Special Events s00 s00
701.0 Animal Care and Use s00 s00
702.0 Bomb Threat Policy s00 s00
702.1 Building Executives - Duties and Responsibilities s00 s00
702.2 Building Security – After Hours s00 s00
703.0 Campus Roads, Streets and Parking s00 s00
704.1 Construction and Renovation Project Support Services Cost s00 s00
705.0 Construction--Time Allowances for Initiation of Construction s00 s00
705.1 Construction-Project Cost Estimating Guideline s00 s00
706.0 Construction Change Directives s00 s00
707.0 Construction Change Order Proposals s00 s00
708.0 Use of University Facilities and Outdoor Space s00 s00
708.1 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) - Use on University Property s00 s00
710.0 Flag Protocol Policy s00 s00
710.1 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Switching s00 s00
710.2 Hazard Communication Program s00 s00
711.0 Commemorating Landscape Gifts s00 s00
711.1 Mechanical/Electrical/Boiler Room Usage s00 s00
712.0 Method of Financing Form – Processing Procedure s00 s00
714.0 Facilities Management Project Cost Estimates s00 s00
715.0 Facilities Management Maintenance Responsibilities s00 s00
715.1 Open Burn and Open Flame in University Facilities or on University Property s00 s00
717.0 Portable Buildings on Campus s00 s00
718.0 Animals on Campus s00 s00
718.1 Public Water System Cooperative Compliance Agreement s00 s00
718.2 Building Razings s00 s00
719.0 Guidelines for Real Estate Transactions s00 s00
720.0 Real Estate Donations to the University and the UA Foundation s00 s00
721.0 Recycling Program s00 s00
721.1 Security for On-Campus Events s00 s00
722.0 Use of In-Line Skates, Roller Skates and Skateboards s00 s00
723.0 Exterior Signs and Publicity on Campus s00 s00
724.0 Smoking Policy/Tobacco Use Policy s00 s00
726.0 Space Standards Guidelines s00 s00
727.1 Timely Warnings s00 s00
727.2 Toxic Substances Use on Campus s00 s00
728.0 Campus Trees, Removal and Replacement s00 s00
730.0 Vegetation Management Policy s00 s00
731.0 Vehicles on Campus Sidewalks and Hardscape s00 s00
732.0 Workplace: Presence of Children, Other Family Members, or Friends s00 s00
733.0 Vehicle Identification Policy s00 s00
801.0 Athletic Department Sports Camp Telephone Use s00 s00
802.0 Athletic Director's Official Party Policy s00 s00
803.0 Championship Rings and Awards Policy s00 s00
804.0 Sky Boxes - Complimentary Use of s00 s00
804.1 Tailgating and Game Day Outdoor Use Policy s00 s00
805.0 Tickets, Complimentary for Athletic Events s00 s00
806.0 Tickets - Pricing for Athletic Events s00 s00
807.0 Travel Authorization for Athletic Teams and Other Groups s00 s00
808.0 Athletics Reserve Policy s00 s00
900.0 Code of Computing Practices s00 s00
901.0 Computing Resources Use and Allocation s00 s00
909.0 IT Services Supported Software s00 s00
911.0 Data Security Incident Response s00 s00
912.0 Highly Sensitive Data Clean Desk and Clear Screen Policy s00 s00
913.0 Information Security Policy Exemption s00 s00
921.0 Data Classification s00 s00
922.0 Data Management, Use and Protection s00 s00
924.0 Data Disposal s00 s00
925.0 Backup and Recovery Systems s00 s00
926.0 Data Loss Prevention s00 s00
933.0 Antivirus and Anti-Spyware Requirements and Virus Reporting s00 s00
936.0 Mobile Device Security s00 s00
941.0 Secure Passwords and Passphrases s00 s00
946.0 Privileged Access to Sensitive University Data and Data Systems; Device Administrator Restrictions s00 s00
960.0 Acquisition of Enterprise Systems s00 s00
964.0 Telephone Use s00 s00
980.0 UARKnet Organization s00 s00
981.0 UARKnet Connection s00 s00
982.0 Fiber Optic Cable Management s00 s00