Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 715.0
Facilities Management Maintenance Responsibilities
The University of Arkansas Facilities Management is responsible for the maintenance and repairs of all campus Educational and General Purpose (E&G) facilities. Such facilities are those supported by the University's E&G operating funds and that serve academic or administrative functions. Because Facilities Management is not funded at a level sufficient to meet all the needs of the campus, priorities must be set. The first priority is to maintain basic requirements of components of Educational and General Purpose facilities. Such components are described as those that could be used by any academic or administrative department if the building were to change hands. If the equipment needing maintenance or work in question does not meet this test, then it is usually the department's responsibility to pay for that particular service.
There are a variety of facilities and equipment within E&G buildings that are excluded from Facilities Management maintenance funding. These exclusions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Audiovisual equipment
- Computer networking infrastructure
- Through wall or window air conditioners
- Laboratory furniture, equipment, and related utility piping within the room
- Inventoried equipment
- Most draperies
- Purified water systems for special research (not a general building system) or closed loop systems for special cooling of research equipment
- Compressed or vacuum gas systems and other supply systems not intended for building environmental (heating & ventilating) control
- Movable classroom or office furniture
- Lab/studio/special purpose room grease and sediment traps
An easy way to identify the exclusions is to visualize a common classroom, laboratory,
or office devoid of furniture, office machines, equipment, computers, and similar
features. Anything added to such an imaginary space is generally outside the funding
level of Facilities Management. Other exclusions are those facilities with other sources
of funds such as grants and self-supporting enterprises such as the residence halls,
residence dining facilities, intercollegiate athletic facilities, student union, parking
lots/garages, bookstore, print/press and transit facilities.
Revised September 17, 2015
Reformatted for Web April 23, 2014
Revised March, 2002
Revised November, 1998
April, 1990