Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 718.2
Building Razings
Buildings considered for razing at the University of Arkansas Fayetteville Campus must be reviewed by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and subsequently recommended to the Chancellor for approval. The final decision to raze a campus building will be made by the Board of Trustees for all structures exceeding $50,000 in market-appraised value. Board approval is not required if the Board approved demolition of the facility when the property was originally purchased by the University; i.e., the property was purchased for the purpose of constructing a parking lot and a house had to be demolished in order to accomplish the defined use. Specific Board approval is not required if the Board approved a construction project which included demolition of an existing structure.
If the building considered for razing is a Division of Agriculture building located off the main campus, the Vice President for Agriculture's approval is required in lieu of the Chancellor. If the Agriculture building is located on the campus (not University Farm or other station), the Chancellor and review by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration is required.
The attached Building Razing form is to be used for documenting the campus' administrative review and approval process. The form is completed by the department requesting the building to be razed and forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration for review and recommendation. The completed form is sent to Property Accounting to be maintained in its files for accounting/reporting purposes. A copy is sent to Risk Management for insurance purposes.
Reformatted for Web May 16, 2014
Revised September 12, 2000
July 1, 1990
Policy Documents