Academic Policy 1405.16
Faculty Hiring Plans and Appointment Procedures
Approval by the provost is required to fill a vacant faculty, tenure track or non-tenure track position and to hire the chosen candidate. By June 1 of each year, each dean of a school, college, or the library will submit Academic Policy 1405.16A, Faculty Hiring Plan Form, to the provost indicating the number of faculty positions (including tenure-track and 100% appointed non-tenure-track faculty) for which searches will be conducted during that academic year and filled for the following academic year. Once the statement is signed off by the provost and hiring plans have been approved, advertising of tenure-track and non-tenure track positions may begin. Recruitment procedures as outlined on the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance (OEOC) website must be followed in advertising and conducting searches. Contact the OEOC staff if there are questions regarding advertising and conducting searches.
Academic Policy 1405.16A should take into account projected enrollment and enrollment distributions, retirements and other changes in numbers and composition of college and department faculties, and strategic plans and goals for strengthening or adding programs or areas of focus to gain or increase quality, productivity, and national distinction. If during the course of the academic year a need arises to deviate from the approved hiring plan, a new supplemental/updated hiring plan may be submitted for review and approval.
Once individuals are identified to receive offers, approval of the letter of offer must be given by the provost. The Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance must (consistent with recruitment procedures) review the letter of offer. Typically, the request to fill the position with the chosen candidate is submitted for approval in the form of a draft letter of offer accompanied by a resume or vitae. The letter should address what can be paid for start-up funding, for tenure track offers only, and state the sources and amounts and restrictions on use. Start-up funding authorized by the provost/vice chancellor for research and innovation from institutional sources can be used only for one-time items. The procedure for new faculty start-up funds can be found in Academic Policy 1405.16F. Any special arrangements or provisions governing a faculty member's appointment or work assignment must be stated in the letter of offer. It should conform to the sample letter, Academic Policy 1405.16B. Copies of letters of offer must be maintained in the individual's school or college file.
A new letter of "offer" should be sent to faculty who were hired ABD, with terms of offer contingent upon completion of a doctorate. The letter should state that the position is now tenure-track with a rank of assistant professor. It should outline conditions of the new status as a tenure-track faculty member, specify the new salary, new title, and work assignments, and should also indicate the date of the start of the tenure clock. The letter should be signed upon receipt by the faculty member and returned to the dean's office, and the dean's office should forward a copy to the Office of the Provost.
The hiring of part-time and other non-tenure track faculty should conform to general institutional practice for all faculty appointments in advertisement, selection, and information conveyed in letters of offer. Consistent with APS 1405.11 and 1405.111, academic units may offer multi-year, merit based successive appointments—contingent upon need for the services, availability of adequate funds, and satisfactory service—to a full-time non-tenure-track instructional faculty member.
Offers of positions with tenure must be made consistent with the applicable personnel policies as stated in the current Board of Trustees Policy 405.1, the campus Evaluative Criteria document, and the school or college and department personnel documents. This means, at a minimum, that the draft letter of offer must be accompanied by a resume, the department recommendations, letters of recommendation or a summary of evidence from telephone recommendations, a dossier, and a nomination for tenure form (Academic Policy 1405.10C or Academic Policy 1405.10C-Ag only). The Provost must receive these materials and approve the request to offer tenure before an offer is made to the candidate. An offer with tenure may be made to the candidate with a statement included in the letter that the offer with tenure is contingent upon approval by the President of the University System.
Offers of positions with salaries that exceed line-item maximum must be approved by the Board of Trustees following guidelines set forth in Academic Policy 1435.60. Approval may be requested from the President of the University, through the provost, to make the offer, but the request must be submitted for inclusion on the next Board of Trustees agenda for approval before it is final.
On or before July 10 each year, a list of new faculty appointments to tenure-track, tenured, and non-tenure track positions and any changes from a tenure-track to a non-tenure track position; a list of any authorized, unfilled positions for which appointments have not been made; and a list of tenured and tenure-track faculty who are no longer employed (those who have resigned or retired), those whose appointment has been terminated effective with the fall semester, and those who are deceased must be submitted to the provost. Each list should include, as appropriate, the name, department, rank, and date of appointment or end of appointment (use Academic Policy 1405.16E, form). The form will also be used to collect information on all newly hired tenured and tenure-track faculty for inclusion in the New Faculty Brochure.
On August 1 of each year, supplemental lists should be submitted if any new appointments have been made or any resignations, retirements, or other terminations have occurred since July 10. A second set of supplemental lists should be submitted by February 1, if necessary, which would include faculty who are retiring by the end of the academic or fiscal year.
Policy Documents
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