Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 504.3
National Guard Tuition Benefits
Recognizing the extraordinary service of Arkansas National Guard and Air Guard (referred to collectively as the National Guard) personnel to Arkansas and the nation, the University of Arkansas offers tuition benefits to qualified members as follows:
- Current National Guard members are entitled to receive a tuition waiver in the amount of 25% of the regular tuition for all baccalaureate programs at the University.
- The tuition waiver is applicable to all situations wherein the National Guard provides no co-payment or up to 75% co-payment. The 25% benefit does not apply if the National Guard provides a 100% benefit.
- The tuition waiver does not apply to fees.
- The tuition waiver does not apply to tuition or fees for graduate or law degree programs.
- The tuition waiver remains in place so long as qualified student members of the National Guard remain in good academic standing and are making progress towards a first baccalaureate degree, consistent with National Guard certification.
The National Guard unit will certify eligibility in regard to National Guard membership and standing.
The University Office of the Registrar will receive eligibility notices, verify academic standing (and university eligibility) and establish procedures to implement this policy.
Reformatted for Web May 6, 2014
Revised December 5, 2011
June 20, 2005