Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 333.0
Use of the University’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)
The Employer Identification Number (EIN) commonly referred to as the Tax ID number is a nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service for tax filing and reporting purposes. It is a unique identifier, similar to a social security number for an individual.
The University EIN is used to identify the business activities of the University. Although the EIN is public record, and as such is not secured, its use is restricted to official University purposes. No affiliated organization of the University may use the University EIN for any purpose, without prior authorization from the Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs. Registered Student Organizations’ requests to use the University EIN as an identifier for business activities of the organization must be coordinated through the Center for Leadership and Community Engagement.
In order to identify and monitor EIN use, all University departments and campus units that release or use the EIN must submit a report by June 30 each year to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs that describes reporting and other purposes for which the number is used. The report will be reviewed by the Associate Vice Chancellor or designee who will be responsible for determining whether to authorize the use of the EIN during the next fiscal year.
All uses other than those reported as described above must be authorized by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs before EIN release.
Reformatted for Web May 2, 2014
January 21, 2009