Academic Advising of Undergraduate Students
Academic Policy 1550.20 (Revised August 17, 2023) outlines the expectations of undergraduate student advising.
Academic advising is an active, ongoing exchange between the advisers and students grounded in teaching and learning. Advising is based on students gaining accurate and appropriate information and direction to help make their educational experience relevant, coherent, and meaningful. It is a process that assists students in connecting with the University of Arkansas, making thoughtful decisions related to their academic experiences, and maximizing their educational and career opportunities. Quality academic advising is essential to achieving the University's mission to “provide transformational opportunities and skills” to students while “fostering student success across a wide spectrum of disciplines.”
Support services for students include many services directly related to performance in the classroom and laboratory, some of which are identified below.
The Cordia Harrington Center for Excellence is a hub of academic resources for student success, including key spaces such as 360 Advising Studio, Writing Studio, SI Classrooms, Career Studio, and Learning Commons hosting tutoring, peer academic coaching, and mentoring. For more information about the Center and its resources, visit
The Office of Career Connections (previously known as the Career Development Center) provides a comprehensive career development program with individual career counseling sessions focusing on all aspects of career development, including major and career selection, resume and interview preparation, and job/internship/graduate program search. The Office of Carrer Connections also offer classroom presentations (topics include: overview of career services, resume writing, interview skills, job-search) a professional development program, a career decision-making course, and employer networking events. For more information visit
The World Languages & Digital Humanities Studio (previously known as the Center for World Languages) is located in the J.B. Hunt Center for Academic Excellence building in room 207, next to Kimpel Hall. Through events and research initiatives, the WLDH Studio explores the intersection of digital technology and the humanities, with special attention to the study of world languages and cultures. The WLDH Studio team is dedicated to innovative pedagogy and research along with the meaningful integration of digital media and tools in the classroom. For more information on the studio visit
The Math Resource and Teaching Center provides support for students in all 1000 and 2000 level mathematics classes. For more information and hours of operation visit