Academic Policy 1620.11
Program and Department Review Schedule
This is the review schedule for the process described in Academic Policy 1620.10.
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Animal Science, BSA (ANET, EQSC, PPRF Concentrations), MS, PhD
- Food Science, BSA (FDSC Concentration); Accrediting body: IFT
- Poultry Science, BSA (PSID, PSPP Concentrations), MS, PhD
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
- Interior Architecture and Design, BIAD; Accrediting body: CIDA (& NASAD 2025)
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Asian Studies, BA
- Chemistry, BA (BIOC, CHEM Concentrations), BS (BIOP, BIOS, CHES Concentrations), MS, PhD
- History, BA (CONF, GLOB, KNOW, STAT Concentrations), MA, PhD
- Journalism, MA
- Physics, BA, BS (ASTR, BIPH, CMPT, ELEC, GEPH, OPTC, PROF Concentrations), MS, PhD (ASTR, BIPH, NEUR, PHYS Concentrations)
- Theatre, BA (DTEC, PERF, THST Concentrations), MFA; Accrediting body: NAST
College of Education and Health Professions
- Adult and Lifelong Learning, EdD (AELD, CCLD Concentrations), MEd
- Health, Sport, and Exercise Science, PhD (HLBV Concentration)
- Human Resource Development, BHRD, EdD, MHRD
College of Engineering
- Computer Engineering, MSCmpE, PhD
- Computer Science, BA, MSCS, PhD
- Cybersecurity, GC
Graduate School and International Education
- Cell & Molecular Biology, MS, PhD
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Agricultural & Extension Education, MS
- Agricultural Education, Communication, and Technology, BSA (ACOM, AGED, AGLE, ASTM Concentrations)
- Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, PhD (AECT Concentration)
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
- Design Studies, MDes (HLWL, IWDS, PRES, RDES, RHOS Concentrations)
- Interior Architecture and Design, BIAD; Accrediting body: (CIDA 2024) & NASAD
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Art, MFA; Accrediting body: NASAD
- Art Education, BFA (CMPR, K-12 Concentrations), MA; Accrediting body: NASAD
- Art History, BA; Accrediting body: NASAD
- Art History in Arts of the Americas, MA; Accrediting body: NASAD
- Communication, BA, MA
- Communication Design, MDes; Accrediting body: NASAD
- Graphic Design, BFA; Accrediting body: NASAD
- Psychology (Clinical), PhD; Accrediting body: APA
- Studio Art, BA, BFA (CRMC, DRAW, PHOT, PNTG, PRNT, SCPT Concentrations); Accrediting Body: NASAD
College of Education and Health Professions
- Community College Leadership, MEd
- Health, Sport, and Exercise Science, PhD (RESM Concentration)
- Higher Education, MEd, PhD
- Recreation and Sport Management, BS, MEd
College of Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering, MSBME (HCEP Concentration), PhD
Graduate School and International Education
- Environmental Dynamics, MS, PhD
- Public Policy, PhD (AGPO, CDRP, DSPO, EDPO, HLPO, PPMG, PSIA, RCPO, SCJS Concentrations)
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Agricultural Education, Communications, and Technology, BSA (AGED Concentration); Accrediting body: CAEP
- Birth through Kindergarten, BSHES; Accrediting body: CAEP
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
- Architectural Studies, BS
- Sustainability, GC
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Anthropology, BA, BS, MA, PhD
- Arabic, BA
- Classical Studies, BA (CRDH, LANG Concentrations)
- Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, MA, PhD (CLIT, CULS, HISP, LTTR, WLAL Concentrations)
- French, BA
- German, BA
- Italian, BA (LTCS, TRST Concentrations)
- Modern Language, MA (FREN, GERM Concentrations)
- Political Science, BA, MA
- Public Administration and Nonprofit Studies, MPA
- Spanish BA, MA
College of Education and Health Professions
- Athletic Training, M.AT; Accrediting body: CAATE
- Building-Level Administration, PMC; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Career and Technical Education, BSE (BUED, FCSE, TEED Concentrations); Accrediting body: CAEP
- Childhood Education, BSE (EASL, GATE, READ, STEM Concentrations); Accrediting body: CAEP
- District-Level Administration, PMC; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Drama Education, BAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Educational Leadership, MEd, EdS; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Elementary Education, BSE, MAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- English Education, BAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Family Nurse Practitioner, PMC; Accrediting body: CCNE
- French Education, BAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- German Education, BAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Nursing, BSN (LNBN, PLRN, RNBN Options); Accrediting body: (ASBN 2028) & CCNE
- Nursing Education, GC; Accrediting body: CCNE
- Social Studies Education, BAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Spanish Education, BAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Special Education, BSE, MEd; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Teacher Education, MAT; Accrediting body: CAEP
- Teaching K-12 Physical Education & Health, BSE; Accrediting body: CAEP
College of Engineering
- Biological Engineering, BSBE (ENVR Concentration); Accrediting body: ABET
- Biological Engineering, MSBE, PhD
- Biomedical Engineering, BSBME; Accrediting body: ABET
- Chemical Engineering, BSChE; Accrediting body: ABET
- Civil Engineering, BSCE; Accrediting body: ABET
- Computer Engineering, BSCmpE (CYBR Concentration); Accrediting body: ABET
- Computer Science, BSCS (CYBR Concentration); Accrediting body: ABET
- Data Science, BS (ACCA, BIOF, BMHI, BUDA, CMPA, CYDA, DSST, ECAN, FIDA, GSDA, MIDA, OPNA, SODA, SYCA Concentrations); Accrediting body: ABET
- Electrical Engineering, BSEE; Accrediting body: ABET
- Industrial Engineering and Operations Analytics, BSIEOA; Accrediting body: ABET
- Mechanical Engineering, BSME (AERO Concentrations); Accrediting body: ABET
Graduate School and International Education
- Space & Planetary Sciences, MS, PhD
School of Law
- Agricultural and Food Law, LLM
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Apparel Merchandising and Product Development, BSHES
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics, BSHES; Accrediting body: ACEND
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
- Landscape Architecture, BLA; Accrediting body: LAAB
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Creative Writing, MFA
- Criminology, BA
- English, BA (CRWR, RHWR, TPCL Concentrations), MA, PhD
- Sociology, BA, MA (CRIM, GSOC Concentrations)
- Technical Writing and User Experience Design, GC
Sam M. Walton College of Business
- Accounting, BSBA, MAcc; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Applied Business Analytics, MABA; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Business Administration, MBA (BADM, EBDM, EHLC, HCBA Concentrations), PhD (ACCT, FINN, ISYS, MGMT, MKTG, SCMT, SEVI Concentrations); Accrediting body: AACSB
- Business Economics, BSBA (BECO, IECB Concentrations); Accrediting body: AACSB
- Cybersecurity and Data Management, CP; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Economics, MA, PhD; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Economic Analytics, MS; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Enterprise Systems, GC; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Entrepreneurship, GC; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Finance, BSBA (FNBK, FNFA, FNMG, FNRE, FNRM Concentrations), MS; Accrediting body: AACSB
- General Business, BSBA; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Healthcare Business Analytics, GC, MHBA; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Human Resources Management, BSBA; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Information Systems, BSBA (BUAN, ENRP, ENSY Concentrations), MIS (CBMT, DIIN, ERPM, ESMT, ITMT, SEMT Concentrations); Accrediting body: AACSB
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship, BSBA; Accrediting body: AACSB
- International Business, BSIB (IBAC, IBEC, IBFN, IBGB, IBIS, IBMG, IBMK, IBRT, SCMT Concentrations); Accrediting body: AACSB
- Marketing, BSBA, MS; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Organizational Management and Leadership, BSBA; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Product Innovation, MS; Accrediting body: AACSB
- Professional Accounting, MPA (ASAN, CACC, TAXA Concentrations); Accrediting body: AACSB
- Supply Chain Management, BSBA, MS; Accrediting body: AACSB
Graduate School and International Education
- Materials Engineering, MATEMS (BIMD, ENMD, MAMO, MPMD, MSTM, NSMD Concentrations)
- Materials Science, MATSMS (BIMD, ENMD, MAMO, MPMD, MSTM, NSMD Concentrations)
- Materials Science & Engineering, PhD
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Food, Nutrition and Health, BSHES
- Hospitality Management, BSHES
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Biology, BA, BS, MS, PhD
- Earth Science, BS
- Geography, BA (CTRS Concentrations), MS
- Geology, BS (GEPH Concentrations), MS
- Geosciences, PhD
- Geospatial Technologies, CP, GC
- Mathematics, BA, BS (MATH1, MATH2, MATH3 Concentrations), MS, PhD
- Medical Science, BS
- Psychology, BA, MA, PhD
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
- Architecture, BArch; Accrediting body: NAAB
College of Education and Health Professions
- Counseling, MS (CMHC, RHAB, SCCN Concentrations); Accrediting body: CACREP
- Counselor Education and Supervision, PhD; Accrediting body: CACREP
- Occupational Therapy, OTD; Accrediting body: ACOTE
- Public Health, BS, MPH (PHPR, PHAC Concentrations); Accrediting body: CEPH
- Nursing, BSN (LNBN, PLRN, RNBN Options); Accrediting body: ASBN (& CCNE 2026)
College of Engineering
- Engineering, MSE
- Engineering Management, GC, MSEM
- Engineering Management Analytics, GC
- Homeland Security, GC
- Industrial Engineering, MSIE, PhD
- Lean Six Sigma, GC
- Operation Analytics, MS
- Operations Management, GC, MSOM
- Project Management, GC
Graduate School and International Education
- Public Service, MPS
- Statistics and Analytics, MS (BIOL, BSAN, CPAN, EDSP, OPAN, QNSS, STAT Concentrations)
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Agricultural Business, BSA (ABMM, ABRM, AGEC, PRLW Concentrations)
- Agricultural Economics, MS (AGBS, ATLA, INAG Concentrations)
- Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, PhD (HMNT Concentration)
- Brewing Science, CP
- Crop Science, BSA
- Crop, Soil, & Environmental Sciences, MS, PhD
- Environmental Soil & Water Science, BSA
- Food Safety, MS
- Food Science, BSA (FDCU, FDSC, FDTN Concentrations), MS, PhD
- Human Development and Family Sciences, BSHES (CHLF, LFSP Concentrations)
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Advertising and Public Relations, BA; Accrediting body: ACEJMC
- Journalism, BA (ADPR, BCST, NEWS Concentrations); Accrediting body: ACEJMC
- Philosophy, BA, MA, PhD
College of Education and Health Professions
- Applied Behavior Analysis, GC
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, MS; Accrediting body: ASHA
- Curriculum & Instruction, EdS (ASLP, EDEX, LIDY, ONTE, PRAD Concentrations), MEd, PhD
- Education Policy, PhD
- Educational Equity, MEd
- Educational Leadership, EdD
- Educational Statistics & Research Methods, PMC, PhD
- Educational Studies, BSE (MXED, PARA Concentrations)
- Educational Technology, MEd
- Health, Sport & Exercise Science, PhD (PDGY Concentration)
- K-12 Online Teaching, GC
- Nursing, MSN; Accrediting body: CCNE
- Nursing Practice, DNP (FNPR Concentration); Accrediting body: CCNE
- Physical Education, MEd
- Special Education Transition Services, GC
- STEM Education, CP
- STEM Education for K-6, GC
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, GC, MEd
College of Engineering
- Chemical Engineering, MSChE, PhD
- Engineering, PhD
- Mechanical Engineering, MSME, PhD
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, PhD (ENTO, PLPA Concentrations)
- Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, PhD (HORT Concentration)
- Entomology, MS
- Human Environmental Sciences, MS (AMPD, GERO, HDFS, HOSP, NUTR Concentrations)
- Horticulture, MS
- Horticulture, Landscape and Turf Sciences, BSA
- Plant Pathology, MS
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- African and African American Studies, BA, GC
- Economics, BA (ECIE Concentration)
- Gender Studies, GC
- Interdisciplinary Studies, BA
- International and Global Studies, BA (EURO, GLSO, PEAC Concentrations)
- Latin American and Latino Studies, BA
- Middle East Studies, BA
College of Education and Health Professions
- Advanced School-Based Speech-Language Pathology, PMC
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, BS
- Exercise Science, BS, MS
- Health, Sport & Exercise Science, PhD (EXSC Concentration)
College of Engineering
- Civil Engineering, MSCE, PhD
- Construction Management, MS
- Electrical Engineering, MSEE, PhD
Graduate School and International Education
- Environmental Resiliency, GC, MS
- Environmental Resiliency Certifications, Accounting and Metrics, GC
- Environmental Resiliency Leadership, GC
- Environmental Resiliency Sustainability, GC
- Interdisciplinary Studies, MA
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Social Work, BSW, MSW; Accrediting body: CSWE
School of Law
- Law, JD; Accrediting body: ABA Council Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Advanced Performance, GC; Accrediting body: NASM
- Black Sacred Music, GC, MM; Accrediting body: NASM
- Music, BA, BM (COMP, GPRF, JAZZ, MBUS, PPRF, SPRF, THRY, VPRF, WPRF Concentrations), DMA (COND Concentration), MM (CMPM, COPI, IPFM, KPFM, MCCM, MEDM, MICM, MOGY, MTHM, VPFM Concentrations); Accrediting body: NASM
- Music Education, BM (CHOR, INST Concentrations); Accrediting body: NASM
- Music Education for Students with Differences and Disabilities, GC; Accrediting body: NASM
- Music Industry Studies, CP; Accrediting body: NASM
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