Academic Policy 1405.21
Appointment, Annual Review, and Reappointment of Endowed Chairs and Professorships
Purpose and Background
UA Systemwide Policies and Procedures 265.1 notes that “Endowed chairs and professorships are established to foster work in academic, professional, or technical areas, and provide a means by which the University can recruit and retain, on a competitive basis, outstanding faculty who make significant contributions in teaching, research, scholarship, the creative and performing arts, outreach and extension. Individuals in these endowed positions are expected to provide strong intellectual leadership in a designated area of special interest. Consistent with Board Policies, in particular Board Policy 470.2, and University of Arkansas Systemwide Policies and Procedures, each campus shall establish policies and procedures for appointments to these positions.”
UA Systemwide Policy 265.1 charges each campus to establish policies and procedures for the appointment (and reappointment) to endowed chairs and professorships. Individuals in these positions are expected to provide strong intellectual leadership in a designated area of special interest. Faculty members holding endowed chairs/professorships are expected to perform at a high level commensurate with the status and importance of these positions to continue serving in these positions over time. Appointment terms must not exceed five years and the dean must conduct a formal review prior to submitting an individual for reappointment to an endowed chair or professorship. Appointment to an endowed chair or professorship is for a term; tenure and tenure rights are not awarded in a chair or professorship. No faculty member has a “right” to a chair or professorship
Potential reappointment to and service in endowed chairs or professorships associated with administrative roles (department chairs/heads, deans, etc.) is addressed through the evaluation and renewal process established for administrative appointment renewals. Should an administrative appointment end, any associated endowed chair appointment and support concludes as well.
In the absence of a clear specification by the relevant gift agreement to the contrary, all endowed positions may be filled from either existing UA faculty or upon initial appointment of a faculty member. Specific written responsibilities and expectations shall be developed prior to initial appointment by the dean of the college after consulting with the department chair/head if appropriate. The letter of appointment shall specify the following: 1) responsibilities; 2) expectations; 3) length of appointment (not to exceed 5 years); 4) number of possible consecutive appointments (only if dictated by the gift); and 5) other terms as needed. The appointment letter should include clear and detailed criteria on which the chair holder will be evaluated and conform to the stipulations in the gift agreement and emphasize that proceeds from the chair or professorship be used to leverage their scholarship and enhance their productivity.
The responsibilities and performance of each chair holder shall be reviewed annually. Each year, each chair holder shall submit a report of their performance consistent with the criteria of their endowed chair or professorship appointment in addition to any other annual review materials or reports that are required by the department and/or college. The report will be submitted to the department chair/head who will provide copies to the dean of the college.
If a chairholder fails to perform at the high level of accomplishment and impact expected for endowed chairholders, the performance concerns should be addressed with the chairholder. Such expectations may be informed by departmental and college evaluative criteria, as applicable, and any applicable gift agreement. If performance concerns continue, the term of the chair may be discontinued prior to the scheduled end of the term.
At the beginning of the final year of an appointment, the chair/head will request that the faculty member submit review materials that include at the minimum a) a current CV; b) a progress report of major accomplishments during the current term; and c) a statement of goals for the next term. Colleges may opt to use an abbreviated Faculty Review Checklist form (APS 1405.10).
Internal feedback from departmental colleagues, students (as appropriate), and other campus constituents should be obtained, as well as feedback from appropriate external faculty reviewers if indicated by the college personnel document. The review may also consider sources of information such as the annual reviews and student evaluations, or feedback from funding sources.
If the college utilizes an external review process, the review will include external review letters identified and solicited under the guidelines established in APS 1405.11 IV.B.10.f. Specifically, a minimum of three external review letters are required and the selection of reviewers must adhere to the following criteria with the exception that the role of the department Personnel Committee may be performed by another faculty committee designated by the college if indicated in the college or school’s personnel document:
To assist in maintaining reviewer confidentiality, the candidate and the department
Personnel Committee will each identify four or five appropriate reviewers. (The department Personnel Committee may, at their discretion, seek suggestions from the department chair/head about potential reviewers.) The candidate will be shown the complete list of potential reviewers and can strike any 2 reviewers within 5 business days of seeing the list. The departmental Personnel Committee will select a minimum of 3 reviewers from the combined accepted lists, including at least one reviewer from the candidate's list and at least one from the Personnel Committee list. The candidate will not be told of the final composition of the list of reviewers. The Unit Head/Chair/Dean is responsible for contacting the final list of reviewers. [APS 1405.11 IV.B.10f.iii]
Supplemental requirements for external reviewers may exist based on applicable gift agreements.
Templates for requesting external review letters must include the following paragraph:
"The University of Arkansas makes every effort to maintain the anonymity of external reviewers. Under University policy, candidates for promotion and/or tenure will consider a list of potential reviewers from which final reviewers are selected (but remain unknown to the candidate). Additionally, candidates for tenure and/or promotion may read the external letters of review, but identifying information, such as the letterhead and signature, will be redacted. In the event the candidate requests a copy of an external review letter under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act, they would be entitled to receive a copy of the unredacted recommendation as a part of his or her personnel file."
Each college shall establish guidelines and a timeline for the review of materials that is completed by March 31. The review must be conducted during the final year of the appointment.
The department chair/head shall provide a recommendation to the dean. The dean shall consider the recommendation of the department chair/head, as well as the other information and recommendations assembled during the review, including a college review committee defined by the college and personnel document.
The dean shall hold a meeting with the endowed chair to discuss the expectations of the endowed chair and the performance of the faculty member. The meeting will include a discussion of any performance concerns arising from the review, and the faculty member’s response to those concerns.
The dean will brief the Provost on their findings and conclusions. Following consultation with the Provost, the dean will notify the incumbent in writing whether they will be reappointed to the endowed chair or professorship, as well as the duration of the reappointment term and any applicable conditions.
The decision of the dean may be appealed by the chair holder to the Provost in writing. The Provost has the discretion whether to hold a meeting with the incumbent. The Provost, in consultation with the Chancellor, shall reach a determination and that decision shall be final. The appeal to the Provost is the sole process for seeking reconsideration of a decision regarding reappointment of an endowed chair or professorship.
In the event that a reappointment to an endowed chair or professorship includes conditions or a shortened term to address performance concerns identified during a reappointment review, a more abbreviated set of review steps limited to internal feedback may be utilized during a subsequent review to follow-up on the performance concerns, as determined by the dean in consultation with the Provost.
When an endowed chair or professorship terminates, the supplemental title and resources associated with the chair or professorship end. Tenured faculty in such chairs shall generally return to a 9month appointment at a salary level and duties associated with faculty who are not serving in an endowed position.